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If you're struggling with anxiety, you're not alone. In the United Kingdom alone, over 8 million people are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time, according to Mental Health UK.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. It is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it can become disabling and significantly interfere with their daily life.

There are several different types of anxiety disorders, including generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias. Treatment options for anxiety disorders include therapy, medication, and self-care techniques such as relaxation and stress management.


What Are the Symptoms of Anxiety

There are many different symptoms of anxiety that can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms of anxiety include:

1. Physical symptoms:

  • Racing heart or palpitations

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Chest pain or tightness

  • Stomach pain or discomfort

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Sweating or hot flashes

  • Trembling or shaking

  • Muscle tension or aches

  • Headaches

2. Emotional symptoms:

  • Feeling worried, nervous, or 'on edge'

  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

  • Irritability or impatience

  • Restlessness or feeling keyed up

  • Avoiding certain situations or activities

  • Difficulty controlling worry or negative thoughts

3. Behavioural symptoms:

  • Avoiding social situations or activities

  • Engaging in behaviors that reduce anxiety, such as checking or reassurance seeking

  • Difficulty completing tasks or making decisions

  • Difficulty relaxing or taking time for oneself

It's important to note that these symptoms can also be a result of other conditions or stressors, and it's always best to speak with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

How I Can Help YOU

Psychodynamic Counselling can help you with anxiety in several ways. As an accredited Counsellor with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) with 15 years experience, I can provide you with a safe and supportive environment in which to discuss your anxiety and related concerns.


I can help you better understand the thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that contribute to your anxiety and develop coping skills and strategies to manage it.

Counselling can also provide you with the opportunity to work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to your anxiety, such as past traumas or unhealthy patterns of thinking and behavior. I can help you identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs, and develop more positive and adaptive ways of thinking and behaving.

This can also provide you with the opportunity to learn relaxation techniques and stress management skills, which can be helpful in reducing anxiety. I can teach you techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation, which can help you better manage your anxiety and improve your overall well-being.

Let's Connect

Psychodynamic Counselling can be a valuable resource for managing your anxiety and improving your overall quality of life.

If you are interested in counselling with me, I encourage you to reach out and schedule a Free ‘Connection Chat’ to determine if I am the right therapist for you. ​I look forward to hearing from you!

​​4 Quick Tips on Coping With Anxiety

Tip 1: Practice Focused, Deep Breathing

Breathing and meditation techniques can manage anxiety and panic attacks when practiced regularly.


Try breathing in for 4 counts and breathing out for 4 counts for 5 minutes total. By evening out your breath, you’ll slow your heart rate which should help calm you down. Dedicate a certain amount of time at least a few times per week.

Tip 2: Go for Regular Walks  

Even a walk as short as thirty minutes every day (or as often as possible) can lower your heart rate, ease your anxiety, and relieve your stress. Plus, it can also be quite scenic.


Taking some time to focus on your body and not your mind may help relieve your anxiety. Getting some quick exercise can help boost your mood and calm your mind. The key is to do it consistently. Balance it with a healthy lifestyle and supportive environment.

Tip 3: Do 15 Minutes of Yoga 

Yoga can be an incredible tool for calming anxiety. Adding even a short yoga sequence to your daily routine can help you stay centered and free of pervasive anxious thinking. Practicing in the morning will help you start your day from a place of calm and clarity. Practicing in the evening will help you decompress from the stresses of daily life.


How does it work? Yoga activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which calms the body and mind. Regular yoga practice also allows you the time to disconnect from the world and connect to your breath – both of which can be invaluable for maintaining a state of inner calm.

Tip 4:  Identify and Learn to Manage Your Triggers

You can identify triggers on your own or with a therapist. Long-term problems, such as financial or work-related situations, may take some time to figure out. When you do figure out your trigger, you should try to limit your exposure (if you can). This may take some extra support, through therapy or with friends.

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I am the right person for you.

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